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While individual application of solar concentrators has not gathered as much backing as anticipated, the application of community kitchens is much more viable.

Community Cooking

Not an Appropriate Technology


Though the technical side of the technology is proven, there is still a perception problem around the world with solar concentrators as a viable way for people to feed their families. This perception is not helped by the limitations of solar cooking, such as the lack of externalities associated with the traditional wood and fuel fired stoves. These include heating the home, keeping bugs out, and keeping the home lit at night.


Other limitations with solar concentrators are:


  • The weather limit the effectiveness of the solar concentrator

  • Cooking ability is hindered after or before the hours of 10:00am-5:00pm due to lack of direct sunlight.

  • You must be outside, exposed to the elements to use a solar concentrator.

  • Cultural and traditional barriers are in place, preventing uptake by impoverished countries.

  • Peoples reservation with accepting change hinders uptake

  • Use of solar concentrators are non intuitive


These problems are not insurrmountable, but they are formidable. For solar concentrators to catch on around the world, these other perifipheral problems and cultural perceptions must be remedied in the minds of the people, not just the designers and advocates.



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